It's faster online!
- Search the Insolvency Register(external link)
- Search the DRO Register(external link)
- Apply for a Debt Repayment Order
- Apply for a No Asset Procedure
- Apply for Bankruptcy
- File a creditors claim
- Update your personal details
- Apply for approval to travel
To use these online services you must be a registered user.
Before you apply for an insolvency procedure
It will be easier to apply if you have all the information you need ready before you start. This checklist tells you what you will need.
Privacy waiver form [PDF, 170 KB]
Use this form if you wish to authorise the ITS to disclose, receive and discuss specified personal information with a Support Person, Budget Advisor or Financial Mentor who is supporting you through the insolvency process
There are 2 ways to submit a Liquidation Statement of Affairs (SOA):
Complete a Statement of Affairs for a company liquidation online via Business Connect
Liquidation Statement of Affairs online form(external link) — Business Connect
(Uses RealMe) -
Complete a manual liquidation SOA form
During an insolvency procedure
Creditor Bankruptcy Statement of Affairs [PDF, 896 KB]
Complete this form only if you have been made bankrupt by a creditor via the court.
If you want to apply to enter an insolvency procedure yourself see:
Bankruptcy application for consent to enter into business (affidavit) [PDF, 249 KB]
Use this form if you are bankrupt and want to apply for approval to be self-employed.
Bankruptcy application to be employed by a relative (affidavit) [PDF, 249 KB]
Use this form if you are bankrupt and want to apply for approval to be employed by a relative.
Use this form to complete a budget.
Application to object to a Debt Repayment Order [PDF, 325 KB]
Use this form if you want to object to a Debt Repayment Order.
Application to object to a No Asset Procedure [PDF, 282 KB]
Use this form if you want to object to a No Asset Procedure.
Confirm you have been discharged
If your bankruptcy or No Asset Procedure has finished, you can print off a copy of your record on the Insolvency Register. If it doesn’t show on the register, email and request confirmation of your discharge.
Send an email to request confirmation of your discharge
Complaint form [PDF, 947 KB]
Use this form if you want to complain about the conduct of a person who is bankrupt.
Application for an Official Assignee decision to be reviewed [PDF, 284 KB]
Use this form if your application has been rejected and you want the Official Assignee’s decision reviewed.
Declaration with respect to a limited liability company [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Use this form if the Official Assignee has asked you to complete it regarding a limited liability company.
Declaration with respect to a trust [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Use this form if the Official Assignee has asked you to complete it regarding a trust.
Declaration with respect to a business - sole trader [PDF, 342 KB]
Use this form if the Official Assignee has asked you to complete it regarding a sole trader business.